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The Illinois Craft Brewers Guild is committed to making the Festival of Wood & Barrel-Aged Beer a safe, respectful, and inclusive event for all. The following FoBAB Code of Conduct clarifies expectations for all organizers, brewers, volunteers, staff, sponsors, and attendees. Thank you for your support in building a festival environment of which we can all be proud.


Illinois Craft Brewers Guild (ICBG) is dedicated to providing a friendly, safe, supportive, and harassment-free event for all attendees and participants regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender expression, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion or group identity.


The code of conduct outlines Festival of Wood & Barrel-Aged Beer expectations for all event attendees and participants, including all organizers, volunteers, brewers, sponsors, media representatives, and judges. Cooperation is expected from everyone, and organizers will actively enforce this code throughout this event.


We will not tolerate harassment in any form. Anyone violating these rules may be asked to leave the event at the sole discretion of ICBG. Thank you for helping make this a welcoming event for all.


If anyone makes you feel unsafe or unwelcome or if you observe someone else in a situation of discomfort, please report it to a volunteer or organizer on site or through our anonymous Google Form found here

Follow along for real-time updates as we get close to barrel-aged beer season. #FOBAB Cheers!

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